Androutsos, P. (1995). PEDAGOGY OF MUSIC, Methods of teaching music - Presentation and Critical Appraisal of the Orff and Dalcroze Methods. Athens, Greece: Edition Orpheus, M. Nikolaidis.

ISBN 960-7266-20-X.

       In the first chapter there is a reference to the most well known methods of teaching music throughout the world from approximately 1750 till today. Also presented are the latest trends and innovative movements in Music Education, as well as the work and influence of the Music Education Organizations and Societies.
       The second chapter analyses in depth the Dalcroze method and the third one the Orff approach, including the teaching practices of these methods in Greece as well as abroad.
       The last chapter includes comparison and critical appraisal of the two methods, and also a reference to the research that has been made about their applications. In the end there are some conclusions and proposals for the improvement of Music Education in Greece.
                                                                            3rd renewed edition 2012

Dr Polyvios Androutsos
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GSME Honorary President
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